Welcome Sign with Cute Owls
Give Students a Warm Welcome to the Classroom
Add a Little to Your Classroom Atmosphere:
Helping students feel they are a valued and respected part of the classroom community is very important. When students feel they are welcomed, respected & valued, they are more likely to be mentally present and ready to learn. There is so much you can do to develop relationships with your students once they’ve entered your room, but start by proudly displaying a “Welcome” banner outside your classroom door.
Putting up a banner will help students, parents, administrators and other teachers see the value you place on making students feel like they are an important piece of your classroom community. If you are looking for some great banners you check out all we have to offer on https://classroom-decorations.com. Here you will find a wide variety of bright and colorful classroom welcome banners that are sure to delight your students e.g. we have unicorns, fairies, mermaids to name but a few.
Change Up Your Classroom Welcome Sign:
Feel free to choose a printable banner to leave up for the whole year, or hang different banners to match your units of study or just to change things up for your students 🙂 This could even become another way to get your students more involved in class; they could help you select the Welcome Signs to display for the month, get a special prize for noticing when you changed it or even be involved with cutting out the pieces and hanging the banner up to work on collaborating with a peer.
There are so many different options to choose from, so you are certain to find the right banner to welcome students into your room and start each day on the right note!
How to Download Your Free Classroom Welcome Sign:
- Add the Owls Welcome Banner to your Cart using the ‘Add to Cart’ Button. NB You can only get the resources 2 at a time. #longstory
- Press the very small ‘View Cart’ button at the very top right of this page.
- Press the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ Button
- Add your email address to prove you are humanÂ
- Press ‘Place Order’ and then scroll down to ‘Order Details’ and click on your resource there. It will open ready to save, print, cut out and display.
Where to Next:
How about some FREE Classroom Bunting or Online Boggle Game